Hakimbey Mansion Your Home in Şanlıurfa

Hakimbey Mansion Your Home in Şanlıurfa

Hakimbey Mansion Your Home in Şanlıurfa

Khan El Barur Caravanserai

Han El Barur Caravanserai is located in Göktaş Village of Harran district of Şanlıurfa. It is approximately 74 km away from the city center. You can reach it with your private vehicle via Akçakale Şanlıurfa Road/D885/E99.

Khan El Barur Caravanserai is one of the historical buildings worth seeing in the city. It was built in 1228 upon the request of El-Haj Hüsameddin Ali Bey. The building, which was used as a goat barn when it was built, reflects the characteristics of Anatolian Seljuk architecture. You should definitely see the building, which attracts attention with its historical texture, closely when you come to Şanlıurfa.

You can visit Khan El Barur Caravanserai free of charge. It is open to visitors all day long.

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