Hakimbey Mansion Your Home in Şanlıurfa

Hakimbey Mansion Your Home in Şanlıurfa

Hakimbey Mansion Your Home in Şanlıurfa

Mevlid-i Halil Mosque

Mevlid-i Halil Mosque is located in Eyyübiye district of Şanlıurfa. It is approximately 5 km away from the city center. For transportation; You can use İpekyol Boulevard/D400 highway.

Mevlid-i Halil Mosque was built as a temple during the Seleucid period, and then turned into a church during the Christian period. During the Ottoman period, it was converted into a mosque and used as a place of worship. A courtyard and a courtyard gate were added to the mosque in 1947. Hz. It was named Mevlid-i Halil Mosque because it is located right next to the Cave of Abraham.

You can visit the mosque, which is used as a place of worship today, for free.

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