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Hakimbey Mansion Your Home in Şanlıurfa

Hakimbey Mansion Your Home in Şanlıurfa

Rizvaniye Mosque

Rızvaniye Mosque is located in Göl District of Eyyübiye district of Şanlıurfa. You can reach the mosque, which is 5 km away from the city center, via İpekyol Boulevard/D400 with your private vehicle.

Rızvaniye Mosque is one of the historical mosques of the city worth seeing. It was built in 1736 by Raqqa Governor Rıdvan Ahmet Pasha. There is a minaret with a single balcony on the east side of the mosque, which has a total of three domes. The most interesting part of the mosque is the entrance gate. The patterns on the door, made using wooden materials, are quite striking.

Entrance to Rızvaniye Mosque is free. It is open to visitors all day long.

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