Hakimbey Mansion Your Home in Şanlıurfa

Hakimbey Mansion Your Home in Şanlıurfa

Hakimbey Mansion Your Home in Şanlıurfa

Sogmatar Ancient City

Soğmatar Ancient City is located in Yağmurlu District of Eyyübiye district of Şanlıurfa. It is approximately 84 km away from the city center. It is possible to reach with your private vehicle via D400.

Soğmatar Ancient City is one of the important historical places of the city. It is possible to see many historical buildings closely in the city, such as Soğmatar Castle and Pognon Cave. Kent, Hz. Since it is known as the place where Moses lived for a while, it is considered sacred by the local people.

There are a total of seven temple ruins symbolizing the planets in the region, which is thought to be the place where pagans performed rituals. These temples have managed to survive intact until today. It is one of the regions you must visit when you come to Şanlıurfa.

You can visit the city, which is open to visitors all day long, without paying any fee.

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