Hakimbey Mansion Your Home in Şanlıurfa

Hakimbey Mansion Your Home in Şanlıurfa

Hakimbey Mansion Your Home in Şanlıurfa

Historical Harran University

Historical Harran University is located in the İbni Teymiye District of Harran district of Şanlıurfa. It is approximately 50 km away from the city center. You can reach it with your private vehicle via Akçakale Şanlıurfa Road/D885/E99.

Historical Harran University is known as the first university owned by Muslims in the world. It is possible to come across many historical ruins in the region. It is estimated that all of these ruins belong to Harran University. You may also come across camels when you visit the region.

You can visit the historical Harran University for free.

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